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Complex Differentiation

The notion of the complex derivative is the basis of complex function theory. The definition of complex derivative is similar to the derivative of a real function. However, despite a superficial similarity, complex differentiation is a deeply different theory.

A complex function f(z) is differentiable at a point z0C if and only if the following limit difference quotient exists


Alternatively, letting Δz=zz0, we can write


We often drop the subscript on z0 and introduce the number Δw=f(z+Δz)f(z). which denotes the change in the value w=f(z) corresponding to a change Δz in the point at which f is evaluated. Then we can write equation (2) as dwdz=limΔz0ΔwΔz.

Despite the fact that the formula (1) for a derivative is identical in form to that of the derivative of a real-valued function, a significant point to note is that f(z0) follows from a two-dimensional limit. Thus for f(z0) to exist, the relevant limit must exist independent of the direction from which z approaches the limit point z0. For a function of one real variable we only have two directions, that is, x<x0 and x>x0.

There are an infinite variety of directions to approach z0.

A remarkable feature of complex differentiation is that the existence of one complex derivative automatically implies the existence of infinitely many! This is in contrast to the case of the function of real variable g(x), in which g(x) can exist without the existence of g(x).

Cauchy-Riemann equations

Now let's see a remarkable consequence of definition (1). First we will see what happens when we approach z0 along the two simplest directions - horizontal and vertical. If we set z=z0+h=(x0+h)+iy0,hR, then zz0 along a horizontal line as h0. If we write f in terms of its real and imaginary components, that is f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y), then f(z0)=limh0f(z0+h)f(z0)h. Thus

where ux(x0,y0) and vx(x0,y0) denote the first-order partial derivatives with respect to x of the function u and v, respectively, at (x0,y0). If now we set z=z0+ik=x0+i(y0+k),kR, then z0 along a vertical line as k0. Therefore, we also have
where the partial derivatives of u and v are, this time, with respect to y. By equating the real and imaginary parts of these two formulae for the complex derivative f(z0), we notice that the real and imaginary components of f(z) must satisfy a homogeneous linear system of partial differential equations: ux=vy,uy=vx. These are the Cauchy-Riemann equations named after the famous nineteenth century mathematicians Augustin-Louis Cauchy and Bernhard Riemann, two of the founders of modern complex analysis.

A complex function f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) has a complex derivative f(z) if and only if its real and imaginary part are continuously differentiable and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations ux=vy,uy=vx In this case, the complex derivative of f(z) is equal to any of the following expressions: f(z)=ux+ivx=vyiuy.

Example 1: Consider the function f(z)=z2, which can be written as z2=(x2y2)+i(2xy). Its real part u=x2y2 and imaginary part v=2xy satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, since ux=2x=vy,uy=2y=vx. Theorem 1 implies that f(z)=z2 is differentiable. Its derivative turns out to be


Fortunately, the complex derivative has all of the usual rules that we have learned in real-variable calculus. For example,


and so on. In this case, the power n can be a real number (or even complex in view of the identity zn=enlogz), while c is any complex constant. The exponential formulae for the complex trigonometric and hyperbolic functions implies that they also satisfy the standard rules


If the derivatives of f and g exist at a point z, then ddz[f(z)+g(z)]=f(z)+g(z)ddz[f(z)g(z)]=f(z)g(z)+f(z)g(z) and, when g(z)0, ddz[f(z)g(z)]=g(z)f(z)f(z)g(z)[g(z)]2 Finally, suppose that f has a derivative at z0 and that g has a derivative at the point f(z0). Then the function F(z)=g(f(z)) has a derivative at z0, and F(z)=g(f(z0))f(z0) Note that the formulae for differentiating sums, products, ratios, inverses, and compositions of complex functions are all identical to their real counterparts, with similar proofs. This means that you don't need to learn any new rules for performing complex differentiation!

Sufficient conditions for differentiability

Satisfaction of the Cauchy-Riemann equations at a point z0=(x0,y0) is not sufficient to ensure the existence of the derivative of a function f(z) at that point. However, by adding continuity conditions to the partial derivatives, we have the following useful theorem.

Let the function f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) be defined throughout some ε neighbourhood of a point z0=x0+iy0, and suppose that (1) first-order partial derivatives of the functions u and v with respect to x and y exist everywhere in the neighbourhood; (2) those partial derivatives are continuous at (x0,y0) and satisfy the Cauchy- Riemann equations ux=vy,uy=vx at (x0,y0). Then f(z0) exists, its value being f(z0)=ux+ivx where the right-hand side is to be evaluated at (x0,y0).

Example 2: Consider the exponential function f(z)=ez=exeiy(z=x+iy), In view of Euler's formula, this function can be written f(z)=excosy+iexsiny, where y is to be taken in radians when cosy and siny are evaluated. Then


Since ux=vy and uy=vx everywhere and since these derivatives are everywhere continuous, the conditions in the above theorem are satisfied at all points in the complex plane. Thus f(z) exists everywhere, and


Note that f(z)=f(z) for all z.

A consequence of the Cauchy-Riemann conditions is that the level curves of u, that is, the curves u(x,y)=c1 for a real constant c1, are orthogonal to the level curves of v, where v(x,y)=c2, at all points where f exists and is nonzero. From Theorem 2 we have

hence the two-dimensional gradients
are nonzero. We know from vector calculus that the gradient is orthogonal to its level curve (i. e., du=uds=0, where ds point in the direction of the tangent to the level curve), and from the Cauchy-Riemann condition (Theorem 2) we see that the gradients u and v are orthogonal because their vector dot product vanishes:

Consequently, the two-dimensional level curves u(x,y)=c1 and v(x,y)=c2 are orthogonal.

Example 3: For the function f(z)=z2, the level curves u(x,y)=c1 and v(x,y)=c2 of the component functions are the hyperbolas indicated in Figure 2. Note the orthogonality of the two families. Observe also that the curves u(x,y)=0 and v(x,y)=0 intersect at the origin but are not, however, orthogonal to each other.

Orthogonal level curves
Orthogonal level curves of the real and imaginary components of f(z)=z2. Interactive graph

Analytic functions

Let f:AC where AC is an open set. The function is said to be analytic on A if f is differentiable at each z0A. The word "holomorphic", which is sometimes used, is synonymous with the word "analytic". The phrase "analytic at z0" means f is analytic on a neighborhood of z0.

An entire function is a function that is analytic at each point in the entire finite plane. Since the derivative of a polynomial exists everywhere, it follows that every polynomial is an entire function.

If a function f fails to be analytic at a point z0 but is analytic at some point in every neighbourhood of z0, then z0 is called a singular point or singularity, of f.

Example 4: The function f(z)=1z is analytic at each nonzero point in the finite plane. On the other hand, the function f(z)=|z|2 is not analytic at any point since its derivative exists only at z=0 and not throughout any neighbourhood.

The point z=0 is evidently a singular point of the function f(z)=1/z. The function f(z)=|z|2, on the other hand, has no singular points since it is nowhere analytic.

If two functions are analytic in a domain D, their sum and their product are both analytic in D. Similarly, their quotient is analytic in D provided the function in the denominator does not vanish at any point in D. In particular, the quotient P(z)Q(z) of two polynomials is analytic in any domain throughout which Q(z)0.

Furthermore, from the chain rule for the derivative of a composite function, it implies that a composition of two analytic functions is analytic.

Example 5: The function f(z)=4z+1z3z, is analytic throughout the z plane except for the singular points z=0 and z=1,1. The analyticity is due to the existence of familiar differentiation formulas, which need to be applied only if the expression for f(z) is wanted. In this case, we have f(z)=8z33z2+1z2(z21)2.

When a function is given in terms of its component functions u(x,y)andv(x,y), its analyticity can be demonstrated by direct application of the Cauchy-Riemann equations.

Example 6: The function f(z)=eyeix=eycosx+ieysinx is nowhere analytic. The component functions are u(x,y)=eycosxandv(x,y)=eysinx. If f(z) were analytic, then (using Cauchy-Riemann equations)

On the one hand, we have that the roots of sinx are nπ (with nZ) but cos(nπ)=(1)n0. On the other hand, the roots of cosx are (2n1)π/2 but
Consequently, the Cauchy-Riemann equations are not satisfied anywhere.

Another useful property what we will use later is the following:

If f(z)=0 everywhere in a domain D, then f(z) is constant throughout D.
Let z1,z2D. Let c(t):[a,b]C be a path joining z1 to z2. That is, c(a)=z1 and c(b)=z2. Using the chain rule we have ddtf(c(t))=f(c(t))c(t)=0, since f(z)=0 everywhere in D. If f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y), we have that
From calculus, this implies that u(c(t)) and v(c(t)) are constant functions of t. By comparing the values at t=a and t=b we conclude that f(z1)=f(z2). Therefore, f is constant throughout D.

The Logarithmic Function